Grace Episcopal Church
Visiting Grace Church
We’re delighted you’re here! If you are new to our church, you probably have some questions. The first thing we want you to do is relax…when you’re worshiping God, you can’t get it wrong! We love guests at Grace Church, and we want to welcome you and make you feel comfortable.
The most important thing is to simply enjoy the worship service. We want you to feel absolutely comfortable worshiping with us. Worship is a time to join with others in giving thanks for God’s wonderful blessings in our lives. It is a time to allow yourself to enter into God’s presence, to be touched by God’s love.
All people are welcome to come and worship with us. So, don't let worries about your wardrobe stop you from joining us. You'll see a wide variety of attire when you come, and we truly do want you just as you are.
We've prepared a guide to familiarize you with our worship service. We hope it will answer any questions you have. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us and ask.